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telc exam

telc German Repetition

The official registration for the telc German repetition B1 exam.
Registration is possible up to 15 days before the exam date.

It is only valid upon full payment and only possible as long as there are free places.
The date of receipt of payment on the account of primusfremdsprachen applies.

logo-green There are still places available!
logo-orange Only a few places left!
logo-red All places are fully booked!

The telc German registration for the repetition is only valid with full payment:

  • To register online here you need a credit card or PayPal. Otherwise the exam can be booked on account (fee due immediately).
  • If you do not have this, you must the registration form and send it to us by e-mail:
    You will then receive an invoice which you can transfer via online banking.

We recommend that you take advantage of our exam preparation offer: TO PREPARE FOR THE EXAMINATION

If you need more information about this examination format German B1, please visit the website of telc GmbH at:

We recommend that you take advantage of our exam preparation offer: TO PREPARE FOR THE EXAM

You can find more information on this German B1 exam format on the telc GmbH website at:

Evaluation times: telc evaluation times are currently available for

  • telc C1 Hochschule at approx. 2 to 3 weeks;
  • all other telc examinations at approx. 3 to 5 weeks. (As of 30.03 2023)

Personal registration in the office:

Monday – Thursday: 10 am – 3 pm
Please schedule other personal registration dates ahead of time by phone !!

Repeating an exam or part of an exam:

  • An exam can be repeated as a whole as often as desired.
  • Individual parts of the examination (oral only or written only) can be repeated within twelve months after taking the first examination (date of issue of the result sheet).

NOTE: when registering for the repeat examination, you must enter the old participation number, only then can the result be transferred for the repeat examination.

Cancellations of telc language examinations:

As a rule, telc language examinations cannot be cancelled free of charge.

The following fees apply:

  • Cancellation due to illness on the day of the examination WITH certificate for the day of the examination:

telc German B1 – C2: 80 Euro

  • Cancellation WITHOUT certificate:

Up to 15 days before the exam: 50 Euro

From 14 days before the examination: 50% of the examination fee with a medical certificate.
In the event of non-attendance at the examination without a medical certificate, the examination fee paid will not be refunded.

Exception: The participant who withdraws names a substitute participant. In this case, there is only a rebooking fee of 20 euros..

See also telc GmbH’s General Terms and Conditions: §8 Abs.1 of Terms and Conditions.

If you are already a bit more advanced, you can also take telc Deutsch B1 with us.

telc-Hotline: +49 (0)911 24609


about 3 Hours


200 €



Bitte füllen Sie alle markierten Felder aus. Vergessen Sie auch die Unterschrift nicht! Ohne Unterschrift, Ausweiskopie und Zahlungsnachweis ist diese Anmeldung nicht gültig.

Die Prüfung findet für gewöhnlich an einem Samstag statt. Sie erhalten eine Mail mit der genauen Uhrzeit am Mittwoch vor der Prüfung. Sollten Sie keine Mail erhalten haben (siehe SPAM), rufen Sie uns bitte an.

Kommen Sie am Prüfungstag spätestens 15 min vor Beginn der Prüfung zur Registrierung. Wir übernehmen keine Haftung für ihre Wertsachen. Nehmen Sie daher nur das Nötigste mit.

Pencils, sharpeners and erasers are provided by us, own pens are not allowed! Die Zertifikate werden in der Regel 5 - 7 Wochen nach der Prüfung zu uns gesendet.
You will receive an email when your certificate is ready for us to collect.

If you have problems with the registration form, just use this form in PDF and send it to us.

Register online now!


Our service team will be happy to help you. If you have any questions regarding registration, feel free to call us or send us an e-mail.

+49 (0)91124609

Please DO NOT call if you wish to inquire about the status of the exam or to receive the results by phone. For data protection reasons, we are not allowed to provide information by telephone. You will receive an e-mail as soon as we have received the test.